Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dreams Come in All Shapes and Sizes - 1706 Words
Dreams or goals? To me they are both the same thing. In life in order to reach our goals we have to be willing to consistently go after them. There are company goals, personal goals, career goals, family goals or health goals, they all must be pursued with passion and purpose. The challenges of life can sometimes try to choke out our goals (dreams) and many people lose track of what it is they really want. I personally refuse to stand by and watch this happen. So I think that dreams role is that they are like a â€Å"syrupy sweet†because they give all people hope and motivation for what they want out of life. Dreams give you countless benefits to better yourself and give you the option to go after what you truly want out of life. One benefit†¦show more content†¦And Lennie s face was drawn in with terror. ‘An whatta I got,’ George went on furiously. ‘I got you! You can t keep a job and you lose me ever job I get. Jus keep me shovin all over the country all the time.’ (Steinbeck 1.89). This is a detriment because it shows that dreams can be stressful and they could actually be to unrealistic that you would work your whole life for them to be accomplished and never succeed. Dreams could potentially get in the way of a possible future that you would ultimately prefer and that is what George is yelling at Lennie about. George is saying that without Lennie he would have a better life because he could chase his own dreams and not Lennie’s. Another detriment is when Mama said, â€Å"Yes, a fine man – just couldn’t never catch up with his dreams, that’s all. (Hansberry 1.1.208). This is a detriment because it means that once you die or hope has run out on your dreams they begin to die out like how a candle burns out when a strong wind blows. Dreams can be easily lost because they take a long time to come true and society’s patience has run thin through the many generations; thus, the lo nger a dream takes to come true the less motivated and hopeful of it being accomplished is. A final detriment of dream is when Asagai said, â€Å"Then isn’t there something wrong in a house – in a world – where all dreams,Show MoreRelatedTen Sacred Objects768 Words  | 4 Pageseverything. The Yin aspect is flowing, smooth, cool, and dark in nature. In fact, rain is considered to be yin energy. 5.) The Christian Cross. The Christian Cross is a symbol of Christianity all over the world. Jesus Christ was crucified on a wooden cross and resurrected from the dead so all mankind could have eternal life. The object is often seen as jewelry in gold or silver the people where. 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